Scaling up The Long Wait
Is not often that I remake my pieces but sometimes I do if I think I can add to the piece.
With The Long Wait I felt I needed to look into the way the character was resting. The original piece had a momentary resting position. Observing the surround before taking action.
In the newer version I wanted to give it a feeling of a settled situation. More serene maybe, that could convey the feel of a long quiet waiting. I wanted to give it a more contemplative feel.

The Long Wait, 48 x 36 x 18 cm
The Long Wait II, 17 x 25 x 25 cm
Having refined the pose and adjusted the proportions I decided to enlarge the piece to explore the potential of this sculpture as a garden piece or public art.
This gave me again the opportunity to adjust further some of the proportions and details to suit the size of this piece.

This is the final plaster from which a silicon rubber mould has been made to allow for the casting of this piece in bronze.

To be cast in bronze in an edition of 6
165 cm H (excluding plinth)
Antonio Lopez Reche, 2024
(in then background: Still life by Linda Alexander ROI and prints by Virginia Bridge, as seen at FRESH Art Fair Alexandra Palace January 2025)
Please see this as an example of upscaling applicable to all my work.
Contact me if you would like further details about this or any other of my pieces.